I'drijet Jidah

Rakshasa rebels against souldesire

As a water bead on a lotus leaf, as water on a red lily, does not adhere, so the sage does not adhere to the seen, the heard, or the sensed.

"I say my request abruptely;
where is the netherworld"

Profile of a Vagrant

Name: I'drijet Jidah
Epithet: of the Soulful Sword
Race: Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
Age: Early twenties
Orientation: ???
Marital: Single
Nationality: Gyr Abanian
Occupation: None

Though born and raised in Gyr Abania, I'drijet has ever been one without a home. Alienating herself from her tribe at a young age due to a myriad of reasons, she left her family to instead satiate the disquiet she felt in her heart. From the time she was a teenager to the present day, she subsisted upon the the wilds, the roads, and the kindness of strangers. She struggled against the world, and reaped her reward in the form of strength.

A vagabond who has, at a relatively young age, attained a sort of spiritual lightness which fastidious sages a generation older would envy. Unburdened by frivilous earthly ties, yet not so haughty as to swear off the bounties of the earth, I'drijet is a creature of the moment, revelling and contemplating in equal measure. Light hearted and quick to quip in a serious situation, there is nonetheless a glint in her eye. To the informed, that quiet light is death itself, unfathomably residing in the body of a near-slovenly vagrant.

She moves without goal, moving from place to place in pursuit of something invisible to even herself, and in her movement does she influence the lives of others. An unintentional savior, a temporary teacher, an ear to listen when nobody else would -- she has been all of these things, and despite her protestations she can yet become much more.

'Violence is the tool of fools. War is theatre for idiots. If you see God on the road, kill them.'

"Remember your death;
then soar back from the brink of this cliff"


Party Animal

Sagacious as she may be, I'drijet is of a unique school of thought that believes enlightenment is to be found in the moment -- potentially all moments. She does not abstain from vice, either out of personal weakness or because she genuinely believes that there is method to her madness. As a result, she has spent time around folk of all types, even if it was just to share a dance and a drink or two.

Martial Saint

To seekers of strength, I'drijet's latent ability to understand, conceptualise and apply the martial arts could be called talent. In her eyes, it is a curse she unfortunately earned through experience. She fights as a master of her own self-developed art, and speaks as one too. Though specialising in her own particular brand of fighting, she is more than capable of offering advice and -- dare one say it -- teaching in a more general art. The booze better be good, if that's going to happen.

Firebrand Faithful

I'drijet can undeniably be boorish, but she is nonetheless a staunch adherent of the twelve, and a disciple of Destruction Worship through Rhalgr... in a manner of speaking. Her faith is a deeply personal thing, avoiding any sense of traditional dogma by taking Destruction to its utmost extreme, applying the broader principle of it in almost every interaction of hers. She seeks to peel back the world, to find the truth beneath. Violence in the metaphorical sense levied upon every element of existence is her creed, though she abhors literal violence and the ways once-prevalent through the Fists of Rhalgr. She spearheads an unusual school of thought.